Thursday, June 27, 2013

Vocabulary Lesson

I'm not a creative person. If I wish to do something new, I always look for guidance from an expert, either in print or in person. I have no aptitude to just "wing it". So when I decided to start this blog, I download all the articles I could find about "How to Blog". But in my excitement to get started, I forgot to read all this wisdom until I came across it the other day. Apparently, I'm doing this all wrong. So I'm deleting my blog. 

Only kidding!  But I read that to blog successfully, you're supposed to publish short posts more often. Maybe I'll try that someday. 

But for today, it's a quick primmer of the language used at our house with their meanings. These were phrases that we said or heard quite often. Some have already been defined in previous posts, but I'll include them anyway. 

UpAndAtEm: Dad's one-word wake up call. 

Gounnie: A body part, located between the bottom of the nose and top of the lip.

Special Breakfast: Anything eaten in the morning that wasn't cereal.

You're gonna get it!: Never specified what we would get, but generally implied someone was about to tattle and/or someone else was going to be in trouble.

We Make Mayonaise: Don't know how or why this started, but Tommy & I would put our heads together and sing-say this in horrible off-key harmony. It usually made everyone laugh. 

If you're not here, answer up!: Dad's call almost every time we all got into the car. 

Where's ChaCha: When Ricky was two or three, he loved to take one of Barbie's baby dolls and hide it, usually in his crib. Rick named the doll ChaCha (granted, he was little and just about learning to talk) and he really liked it. The day Barbie finally broke down and gave ChaCha to Ricky for good, he never touched it again.  

Sock Box and Wooden Spoon: Mom's preferred methods of punishment.

8:00 pm: Bedtime during the school year. No exceptions!

Frigidaire: What Grandma Homcho called the refrigerator. Only used by Grandma when she visited us, but it always cracked us up. 

Spegilly: Spaghetti

Who broke my diamond stylist?!: Yelled when Dad wanted to listen to music (almost anytime he was home) and we kids had been using his stereo to play records. The diamond stylist was the needle on the record player. It tended to collect dust if the record being played wasn't clean, so we'd "wipe" the dust off with our finger. If the needle got bent, Dad would get super mad because he couldn't play his music and the stylist was expensive to replace. 

I'm telling!: common to most families. see "You're gonna get it". 

Line up alphabetically by height: Another of Dad's attempts to amuse and confuse us. 

OK - what can we add to the list? I know there are many I missed!  I know a few popped into your head as you read this! 


  1. Actually, doesn't it go more like this?
    "Weeeee Maaaake Maaynaisssse"!
    I can hear it so clearly in my head as I read this and it still makes me laugh out loud. :o)

    And to add to the list:

    Which is what was said when you were lucky enough to get one of the few "comfy chairs" but then needed to get up for a moment. This was to prevent someone else from stealing your seat.

    “Who Put Eight Great Tomatoes In That Little Bitty Can?”:
    The question Dad always bellowed out whenever we would start to get a little restless and unruly while waiting for dinner to be served.

    And let’s not forget the famous question he posed if things were really getting out of control…
    “What’s A Double Petunia?”…
    I still remember… do you?

    1. Yes! Great adds, Suzy. It's no wonder that we can't be serious when any of us get together!
      I expected you to write something about goomie-gommies in the basement. Are you still too scared to talk about it? LOL
